hmmm i hate you >_>

well im in a hating mood, and have a few people that i hate a lot, most of them are my friends, so yeah im getting really annoyed at a few, its funny how they 4get about those who've been by their sides so easily, it really pisses me off,well guess what i dont give a fuck!! im over it, i was there for them when they needed someone, and this is how they treat me, well they can go to hell for all i care, the next time they need someone at their side they wont find me there thats for sure, im tired of caring and being nice to my friends, all i ever get in return is nothing. would they care if i needed someone? i highly doubt they will. so im gona go solo from here on out, i wont even give a fuck if some family member of theirs got into some accident or died from something. call me heartless if you want i honestly dont care, i did my part for caring and being there for my friends, no one cares if i died or not anyways so why should i care for them? so for those that i hate, well they can go fuck themselves, its their loss that they lost a friend like me, is it too much to ask that they care for me in return? noooooooooooooo most of them just want me there when they need me and then 4get about me when they dont need me anymore. so from now on im going solo, if someone dies in your family well then tough shit, thats life, so deal with it and move on >_>
