1. What's your fave Anime/Manga
Well to be honest Idk (that's why I skipped it the first time) oops
2. Are you an Artist or not?
Heggs yeah I'm an artist
3. If not an Artist, Then what R u?
Then I'd be the same thing as U r..not an artist (duh)
4. Do you like animals?
I LOVE ANIMALS (Kitties) =^.^=
5. Whos your fave Actor/Actress?
Hmmm....-_- I don't know
6. What's your fave sport?
Is kickball a sport?? (well to me it is so there)
7. Do u have any hobbies?
Uh huh
8. What R they?
Singing, drawing, writing stories, eating??
9. What's yo're favorite Pairing?
Ichigo and Rukia
10. Do you like Video Games?
Heggs yeah I kick butt
11. If So, then What's your Favorite Game?
Super smash bros. brawl
12. Do you like theO?
Of course thus place is awesome
13. Do you like Pizza?
Yeah I do (now I'm hungry)
14. Where in the world would you go?
Anywhere mah friends are at
15. Are you an Alien or a Monster?
I'm an alien monster duh (wait..I think I mean human)
16. Any Final Words?
Peace out Snitches
P.S thanks Frank for taggin me
I tag...CrimzonN3k0 z, lovesrukia, josh5294, and Namie Kamikaze
P.P.S thank you TheFrank for pointing out my mistake =^.^=