The world of Sourora was once a paradise like no other. Its flourishing forests and shimmering waters were vast and numerous. Towns and cities grew and projected through all of the land, and four mighty kingdoms formed. The Tireren to the north, the Eaunari to the south, the Anarden to the east, and the Kuiri to the west all formed as kingdoms and held their power in their domains. Yet a war broke out between the great four, and the land was laid to waste. The trees burned, and the waters were soiled. Villages burned, and people suffered. With that came the great purge in which bandits ruled the land. The ground rotted, and all that was left was the dust of fires. This was Paradise’ fall.
In the chaotic times that followed this sudden and great fall, people demanded for the peace of the four warring nations. However, even after a shaky peace was established, the land was already too far gone. Nothing could be salvaged from the destruction that had flowed forth. Cities struggled to regain their footing and remained small and ragged for the most part. Citadels were constructed from the remains of shattered castles. People began to move about through the sands that were once the great forests searching for a new land to call their own, and yet none have found any.
In this post apocalyptic world, a group of people come together to try and restore the world to its former self. Will they succeed? No one knows for certain.
Welcome to Tales of Paradise
The Land
The Rules
Members and Rank/Points:
Leader:Kratos Cruxis- Zane: Sand Pirate and Sawyer: Knight of Anarden
littlepooch-Hibiki: Sorcerer Rina Princess of Anarden
XxWinXGirlXxX- Emiko: Eaunari Princess
Inufluffy12: Kiri- Kuiri Princess
Kyouyarenge-Hanatsuki: Rogue
Name: Kiri
Species: Princess, she likes to fight though, and knows how to use a sword
Age: 15
Height: 4'9
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair color: Dark purple (almost looks black)
Hair style: Long, tied up into two ponytails
Eye color: purple
Clothing style: Hates dresses. She normally wears a sleeveless dark red, midriff baring top. And jean shorts
Background/History: She's the King and Queen of Kuiri's only child, and therefore heir to the throne. She's never once wanted to be a princess, even when she was younger. She's tried to run away from home numerous times, always to be caught and brought back to the castle.
Home Kingdom: Kuiri
Personality: Very tom-boyish. She's always hated being treated like a princess. She'd rather go outside and fist fight with a bunch of boys, than be stuck in the castle learning about the kingdoms history
Likes: Swords, hanging out with guys, training
Dislikes: Dresses, girly-girls, princess lessons
Goals: To figure out a way to get out of becoming the next Queen
Family: Her mother and father
Name: Emiko
Species: Princess, who also knows enough magic to be able to defend herself
Age: 17
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 137 lbs.
Hair color: Blonde
Hair style: long, curly hair that goes past her elbows.
Eye color: Ocean blue
Clothing style: short dresses. Usually blue, silver, or gold
Background/History: Emiko wants the life of a normal human as she doesn't like watching her people suffer from the effects of the war. She loves her people and is very wise. She would do anything for them. When she was younger, there was an attempted kidnapping, but in the fight, she discovered she could do some magic. Her parents wouldn't allow it, so she was never able to really learn. But, she would sneak off and learn how to fight martial arts with some of the soldiers she bribed into not telling on her.
Home Kingdom: Eaunari
Personality: Compassionate, caring, loving. She will do anything for those she truly cares about. She usually puts everything else before her own need, which is why she has never left her people when she wanted to run away from it all. She usually doesn't care that she is unhappy and lonely so long as that others are happy
Likes: reading, martial arts, her people
Dislikes: needless war, not being able to practice magic, her studies
Goals: to restore her kingdom to what it once was
Family: Mother (Queen), Father (King), older brother, Ren (Prince)
Name: Zane
Species: rogue/sand pirate
Age: 21
Height: 6'5
Weight: 180lbs
Hair color: red
Hair style: His hair is straight and to the back of his neck.
Eye color: dark blue
Clothing style: he wears a black leather jacket with a white under shirt and dark blue lose pants. He always wears black leather boots even when traveling through the hot sands. He has a pair of shaded goggles around his neck that push down the colar of his shirt, and he has an earring in the form of a sun hanging from his left ear. He also has a black ring on his left ring finger that swirls around in the form of a dragon.
Born in the first years after the Great War, Zane grew up in the city of Anin as it struggled to regain its former glory before the war. Raised in the poverty of commoners who could not easily recuperate from the war, from a young age, Zane fought for survival in the dog eat dog city. Being unable to support the wife he loved and the child he had had with her, Zane's father abandoned the family and disappeared from Anin. Becoming resentful of his father, Zane adored his mother. Trying to support the family from the age of seven, Zane began to become an adept thief. One day being caught, Zane was beaten in the streets by a group of men. They left him bleeding and nearly dead. However, thanks to an unknown savior, Zane was healed and woke up later in his mother's care. Beginning to grow even more hateful, Zane trained and began to become stronger and stronger. At the age of thirteen, Zane witnessed his family's slaughter as the soldiers stationed in Anin tried to find the sand pirates that had supposedly been hiding in the town. Going underground, Zane later found the sand pirates that the city had been protecting and joined them. He has been on a sand pirate ship ever since.
Home Kingdom: Tireren
Personality: Energized and free, Zane hates how the world has become. However, that doesn't stop him from being ruthless to those that he is stealing from as he works as a sand pirate. Currently, he is head of his own crew of thirteen and travels the sands. He has a very dual personality and tends to feel emotions towards people one minute and be cold the next.
Likes: freedom, being a pirate, traveling
Dislikes: dramatic people, those that are self sacrificial, sweets
Goals: He wants to be able to support his family back in Anin.
Mother: Natalia
Father: unknown
Sisters: Marie, Anna, Emilia, and Nami
Brothers: N/A
Areas of Interest Within Sourora:
Within Tireren
- Anin- the capital city; this city was once known as the great valley city for it flourished between two giant mountains. However, after the war, it was crippled. The castle of the royal family was destroyed completely by an attack by the Eaunari. However, it was rebuilt in recent years.
- The Under- a rogue city south of Anin where bandits and sand pirates are in the norm. It was once a respectable town named Alora, but due to the nature of the inhabitants, it was later named The Under. It is also the sight of the largest black market schemes in the world.
- Tiala- a small village far from the capital. The village is more of a farming community trying to water the sands and produce enough food to live. It is on the brink of death at this point.
Within Eaunari:
- Miora- the capital city; once known as the great sea city, Miora sits directly on the shores of the Miora Sea. Named because of the sea itself, Miora was once a great trading city that used the water ways to increase profit. Recently, the waters have receded, and due to the war, the city itself was nearly burned to the ground.
- Shiozu library- a library created by several sorcerers; before the war, it was open to any who wished to learn. However, after the war finished, the sorcerers locked the library away, and several guards were erected to only allow those pure of heart access to the library.
- Port Elo- it was once a major port in Eaunari, however, the water receded and left the port struggling to survive.
Within Anarden
- Zolorous- the captial city; still managing to stay somewhat prosperous even after the war, Zolorous sits on the banks of the Milodic River with the great castle sitting farthest into the water.
- Nivar- a city of rogues and outcasts; it is somewhat like The Under, but it remains somewhat more peaceful.
- Seli- a valley west of Zolorous that dips so far downwards, that one has to be careful in walking downwards.
Within Kuiri
- Irisis- the capital city;l it has had its fair share of pillaging in the last years. The city has been ransacked and destroyed that there has been a twenty foot think wall built around the city.
- Loren- the jail city; because Kuiri is the only kingdom where it has been established, Loren has become the jail city of all the kingdoms.
Species: (Royalty, Knight, sorcerer, rogue/sand pirate, or just regular human 8D?)
Hair color:
Hair style:
Eye color:
Clothing style:
Home Kingdom: (Tireren, Eaunari, Anarden, or Kuiri)
Likes: (at least three)
Dislikes: (at least three)
Goals: (optional)
Family: (optional)