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The Story Behind FranticAtlantic

In this post, I shall tell you all about how the name "FranticAtlantic" came to pass...

A long, long time ago...well, only at Christmas, really...I recieved an xBox 360 from my grandparents (WOOT WOOT). My friend and I had been pining for one since forever ago and had been watching LostVector's videos of the video game Left 4 Dead 2 on YouTube (Go check them out, they're hilarious!). Along with the console, they had purchased said game, having been privy to all my rants about how great the graphics looked and how horribly gory the zombies were. So, whilst it snowed and snowed in December of '09 and January of 2010, my friend and I stayed cooped up in her basement, blowing zombies to tiny pieces.

Finally, after about a week of her heckling, my friend convinced me to use my first 3 free months of xBox LIVE (I hadn't wanted to before, because some of the people on there can be pretty scary. o.o). Anyway, while we were signing up, the troublesome topic of gamertags came up. We literally sat in her basement for an hour trying to figure something out. When we couldn't, we let the 'Box alone and decided to have a snowball fight for a while.

In the middle of having powdery snowballs thrown in my face, my friend asked what rhymed with "Atlantic." I thought for a second and then shrugged. "I dunno...plantic?" Not a word. We forgot all about it until we went back inside and started watching Shaun of the Dead. Then, right in the middle of the movie, I jumped up from the recliner and shouted, "FRANTIC." My friend shouted a few expletives and then we hurried downstairs to make my gamertag. We had already decided on hers, which is Areudaft.

So, that's the story of my username. I pretty much use it for everything. I'm pretty sure I even used it on collegeboard. xD

Looking back, it's not as exciting a story as I had thought, hehe.

First post, yes?

Just tryin' out the blog. :P

If anyone should like to know how my day went, my spanish teacher was out today, so it was magnificent! Er, I hope my posts will get more interesting. x.x

Anyways, I'm out. :)
