I had a dream last night, where someone, besides me, comment on my first post. It had a member's name and pic too. Either I saw the future or well, I don't know what else it could be. I'm not lying about seeing the future either, its true. BUT! There's a catch, I can't do requests or such, like will whoever get married or will such and such win the lottery (I'm also too young to gamble), it is COMPLETELY random. For example: I can also use tarot cards, I got the symbol snake (I use my own system) and one of my friend's mother got arrested (don't worry, they let her out later in the day, it wasn't serious), but they do come true, one way or another, even if you try to avoid it. Well, I guess the only way to avoid anything is to do absolutely nothing (but then you miss out on life). Well anyways, its not all fun and games, it could be serious or complex. I have to go, supper's almost ready.
---Manga Huntress---