am i going crazy, or am i just crazy for you?
- Created By boyprincess
The voice was heard, then Kyle watched as the source of the sound became visible. A man, floating in presentation. He stayed silent as he observed the floater. A careless appearance, though his style a bit outdated. Punk-esque accessories adorned his tanned skin, and his clothing must've been thrifted from the 80's. Then he remembered this guy was floating, and also in his room... And the one who'd been sneaking playful touches for days now.
Of course Kyle had heard rumors of ghosts, but he never really gave it much thought due to the fact that he had been through Heaven, and Hell. He stood up to greet him.
"... Hi." Kyle piped cautiously. Then glimpsed down shyly, and realized his stark nakedness on display for this stranger to see. And although he was used to the glaring attention by now. his cheeks glowed pink. He hurriedly clutched the blanket to himself and looked back up at the ghost. Then he felt his heart pick up it's pace when he came to the conclusion this may be a client waiting for him. It wasn't uncommon to have visitors of all types of species in the brothel.
"Oh! I... s-sorry to keep you waiting..." Kyle mumbled, his eyes downcast in embarrassment. He let the blanket drape looser on himself, exposing his body once again through a peek in the fabric.
He waited for the ghost to take advantage of him as everyone else had. His heart rang with the ache of longing and loneliness again. He closed his eyes and braced himself mentally.
sometimes i might just disappear
Doomed for decades now to haunt himself into every passing year, Jaewoo wandered about the streets like he usually did. Typically he would find a human to follow around for the day to give him a little purpose in his afterlife now. Of course, his purpose was to become at peace but it was a bit.. perplexing on how to accomplish such a feat when the cause of his death was by his own unthoughtful hands after the murder of his once beloved, now forsaken.
Although he dreaded anything to come of his afterlife, he still wandered, thinking up all the reactions he could possibly have seeing her face for the first time in.. 20 years, had it been?
The alluring aura of a brothel he floated past had something.. deeper to it that had Jaewoo brushing lightly past the doors with ease and sinking into the pit of despair that some would refer to as a "basement", which was more or less a fuck dungeon. And there was a particular fallen angel that had caught the ghost's eye that made him stick around for longer than just a day. Perhaps he was getting off on the sadness and pain he could tell this angel wore inside and out, but at least he had a lot of emotion. Jaewoo... Jaewoo missed feeling.
By the third day, he found himself laying by the beauty during either his naps or at night, graced by just how soft he really could be. This is the first time in quite some time he wasn't running on empty in the emotion department, and the fucker wanted to milk this for all he could. Plus.. what was the harm if the little angel couldn't see him?
Maybe he had gone too far by the seventh day. He found his hand reaching out cautiously and planting atop the hip of the smaller boy, met with a chilled and startled reaction. Jaewoo panicked, eyes widening as he redacted his arm and froze in place, stricken with the memory of Valencia having a similar reaction when he got the courage to touch her under the belt one night before they had properly experimented.
Now the question remained: could this boy see him? What he thought maybe a heartbeat felt like thudded in his mind as he floated away, staying visible just in case, but escaping anyway like a coward. Maybe.. maybe he wanted to be caught. Craving more and more suddenly as he had gotten this far, he finally spoke aloud for what must have been an eternity. ".. Hey," was all that left his parted lips, eyes fixated on this poor defenseless baby.
tired delusions
Hopelessness and exhaustion. That's all the petite Angel called Kyle felt anymore.
Another day, another man to leave him feeling raw and used up.
It had been a month since Hector had taken Kyle as a slave. Only a month, but it felt like years. Years since he had seen the outside, years since he felt safe, years since he had seen Audrey.
Audrey... The name always wore away at his weary heart. A dull ache that never left no matter how much time passed. Kyle looked for him in all the clients. But there never was enough to keep him hopeful. The glint of mischief in green eyes was only the emotionless gaze of a horny stranger. And no matter how many Incubi he fucked on the daily, none of them had his ex-lover's alluring touch.
And it was the same story with the man taking him from behind. Rough, but passionless. Smelling of cigarettes and beer. It nauseated him, so Kyle zoned out all the while, staring off into space until the man finally released the grip on his throat. The man got what he came for (literally), and zipped his pants back up, straightened his tie and went on without so much as a glance in Kyle's direction.
Tired, Kyle fell on the bed and closed his eyes. If he wanted to sleep, as he usually did, the lobby outside his room was much too loud. Clinking glasses, boisterous laughter, and music all clashed with his need for peace. He covered his ears with his hands and desperately tried to shut out the noise, but to no avail.
For hours, he lay somewhere between sleep and conscious but not awake. When the bed shifted with the weight of another being, he felt the hot breath on his neck that sometimes surprised him. Kyle dismissed it as he usually did, blaming it on his lack of real rest or overwhelming anxiety. He rolled over to face the other way. Until he felt a hand on his hip, and startled, he jolted to sit up and peer, afraid, at the disturber of his nap.