Physical feeling entirely stripped of him, Jaewoo floated blankly around, scowling to himself for fucking things up and annoyed beyond reason that he couldn't even have another go with the pretty boy from before. At least not for a while..
Floating back toward his stranger's room to gather his shirt and jacket without making any racket, he nearly plunged himself back into the boy as he saw him orgasm. .. Shit, that was hot. Shit.. he almost felt that dull heartbeat again. And oh shit.. he had slipped back into his "cum-and-done" ways. It wasn't very punk to care about others, was it?
Rolling his eyes at himself and wandering weightless and invisible throughout the hall, Jaewoo tried to clear his head from sex. Hilarious how hard that is to do in a brothel, where moans reverberated down every last square inch, thankfully these whines did nothing for his psyche. After all, the only time his dick (and heart dare he say?) felt any sort of sensation was because of the beautiful stranger as of late. 'Might as well have a little fun while I'm here feeling..' Jaewoo mused silently to himself, face pulling into that devilish grin of his.
It wasn't very hard to trace the boy down- the overly loud heartbeat, the shaky breaths still trembling past pretty pink lips, the boistrous hips bounding down the hallway he had been chilling around in. Flirting was off the menu for tonight, now the next best thing was shoulder-punching humor. "Boo!" he exclaimed, barking laughter as the angel jumped out of his skin from Jaewoo's upper half regaining visibility as he floated through the door. Not finding it very funny now, the smaller boy was a small firecracker going off now.
Embarrassed, running a hand quickly through his coif, Jaewoo attempted to squeeze out some 1/2 and 1/2. Half sincere, half charming. What was this game he was pressing start on..?
"Ah.. Sorry, sorry beautiful, I lost control of myself there. I really can't control myself around you..," he trailed off, crossing his arms before he started the Touchening yet again. There was absolutely no way in heaven, hell, or whatever purgatory this was that he would admit to cumming earlier than expected.. and all over.
"Maybe I like trouble," he added, looking the boy over before snapping his eyes up intimidatingly at the flick of his tongue at the end of his statement.