This ghost was seriously causing some mixed sensations in Kyle's being. Fluttering heart, butterflies in his stomach-- though from shyness or anxiety he couldn't tell. Kyle's face was flushed when he realized that the stranger had called him beautiful. It'd been so long since someone called him that other than Hector. And coming from the brothel owner, it was definitely not a term of endearment that meant much to him.
"Wh-who are you?" Kyle asked, trying not to show his nervousness. He didn't even thin about what he would do or say if he actually managed to find him.
"The name is Jaewoo." He spoke coolly, finally putting a name to his face.
"I'm Kyle." The smaller boy replied. "Now... just how long have you been haunting around my room?" He wanted answers. All the small touches, soft whispers he kept hearing around his room buzzing around his ears.
"And why me of all people? There are other workers here who are so much more entertaining and beautiful than I..." Kyle felt himself delving into the abyss of self-loathing once again. The hatred for his own body; the grief of losing his grace. He looked down at his feet, tears welling up in his eyes.
"You're just going to hurt me, aren't you?" Kyle whispered with a crack in his voice. "That's all anyone ever does with me anyway."
Before Jaewoo could respond, Kyle turned his back and ran down the stairs. Throwing himself on his bed, sobbing like a baby. Why the hell was he crying like this? Why was he already so attached to Jaewoo? Was he that starved for love?
Truthfully, yes. Kyle was so desperate for love that anyone who showed him any sign of affection was bound to steal his heart. Feeling pathetic, Kyle cried into a pillow until he felt the bed sink with weight beside him.