
Hmm... Let's see. Nothing special really happened today.

It was pretty uneventful. ]:
The only interesting part was when I ROF'D so hard I headbutted an ArmadilLOL.
Seriously though? No that didn't happen. I wish it had, but that would have made my uneventful day eventful and then I wouldn't have written all of this in my post-o-da-day. Then what would you do?

There's a whole lot of stuff happening involving Twilight the movie recently. That's to be expected since the movie is almost in theatres. One of my friends, who has never even read the books, hates it because one of my OTHER friends doesn't like it. My mom offered to take me to see the movie and I was like, "Naahhhh." I liked the books, it was a good series. Too much hype, too many fangirls; Not enough sniper rifles.

The same un-knowledgeable Twilight hating friend and me are in Girl scouts. She wanted me to join and I had nothing better to do. So about 2 days after joining I got really sick, I MEAN REALLY. REALLY. REALLY. SICK. I was at the doctos, heart clinics, pediatrics, and a place to get blood tests done. So I couldn't do much in my troop, I didn't have money to go on trips and such either. So they all hated me, I had a fight with my friend and didn't go to a meeting. Now the girl who's the daughter of the troop leader won't talk to me, and glares me down in the hall when I see her. The other girl is the Troop leader's daughter's best friend, and the other is mean shallow little girl. Then my friend invites me to a girl scouts troop dinner and Inner me is like, "LOL R U 4 SRS? U MUST BE DUMB. LOLOL@U" And outer me is like: "Uh.. ah.. uh-huh um. Heh." So she's like, "Good, so you won't ditch us to go see Twilight?" And somewhere in the corner of my mind, I was torturing her in ways that would make the Governator wimper in fear. v-v

Well I don't have much else to say, So I shall go for now. Don't worry I will probably be back tomorrow.
