
| Greetings! | 今日は! | Hej! | привет! |

This is a personal blog, where I'll post... well, what I want.

Anime Blog

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*Sighs Loudly*

It seems technology has decided to hate me these past 24 hours.

Starting yesterday, after I had created the challenge I decided to start working on creating my first quiz. However, late in the creation I realized I had messed something up and I had to loose most of the work I had done. Frustrated, I decided to leave redoing it for a later date.

Then later last night, when I plugged my tablet in to charge, it wouldn't. Apparently the battery has stopped working and now I need to take it in to get a new one.

Still past that, the internet hasn't been working very well at all today, not just for me, but for my parents and for my brother who is away at college. It's been slowing down a lot of things I wanted to get done and may have made me loose some of my most important equipment in the only MMORPG I play regularly, Mabinogi.

On a more positive note, I realized that there were some similarities between Lost Horizon's and Log Horizon's titles, and I was curious to see whether there were some parallels between the two. So I checked Lost Horizon out of my school library to read. I'll probably make a post about if there are truly any similarities or differences after I've read it.


Finally, an update-y thingy~

What have I been doing?

Marching band, mostly. October is always the super-busy month for me because of it. But I have been taking some advanced classes and have fully gotten back into watching anime on a regular basis. And yes, I do plan on posting new reviews soon (my next one will probably be Tokyo Ghoul).

And Ninja...?

Those who had been following me in April might remember me talking about a boy (and friend) whom I liked nicknamed "Ninja". And, well, yes, I do still like him (as referenced to in the description of this wallpaper). Luckily, he acts like he likes me back, those he's never give any official confirmation. Neither of us are making any romantic moves, but I'm contented to be one of his good friends. One of these days I might even drag him into getting an account on here.

You're a senior in high school, so work? College?

I'm planning on submitting to a good university within my state, and while nothing's official, I wouldn't be surprised if I do get accepted. I'm planning on majoring in English (with a Professional and Technical writing emphasis) as well as minoring in Music and Asian Studies. I also on planning to take a semester abroad to Japan =w=

Well, that's a basic summary of my current life. How about you guys? What's going on?

Last Time I'm Doing This

Idea shoplifted from Double-Chan~

Yes, this is the last time I'm updating this. From now on, if you want to know what I've been watching/what I have watched, you can look at My Anime List, which I will provide a link for at the top of my "Of Death and Love" world.


Aku no Hana:
Angel Beats!:
Attack on Titan:
Black Cat:
Blue Exorcist:
Boogiepop Phantom:
Code Geass:
Dangan Ronpa:
Deadman Wonderland:
Death Note:
Deltora Quest:
Detective Conan:
Elfen Lied:
Ergo Proxy:
Free! Eternal Summer:
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood:
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo:
Hell Girl:
Hell Girl Futamori:
Hellsing Ultimate:
Hetalia Axis Powers:
Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni:
Kuroshitsuji Book of Circus:
Log Horizon:
Lucky Star:
Naruto Shippuden:
Neon Genesis Evangelion:
Now and Then, Here and There:
Ouran High School Host Club:
Pandora Hearts:
Paranoia Agent:
Persona 4:
Ping Pong:
Princess Tutu:
Rave Master:
Sket Dance:
Soul Eater:
Space Dandy:
Space Dandy Season 2:
Sword Art Online:
Tokyo Ghoul:
Welcome to the NHK:
Wizard Barrister: Banmashi Cecil:
xxxHolic Kei:
Yu-Gi-Oh GX:
Zatch Bell!:

*All but filler has been seen.

Complete: 48
Incomplete: 14

Currently Watching: Mushishi
Next in line to watch: Mirai Nikki

Been Tagged

What’s your favorite color?

Black. (Is this even a surprise XD)

You have the power to resurect ONE anime character. Who would that be?

*mumbles to self L? ...no... Rudy? Wait, he already was resurrected.... ....Uh...uh... MISATO! Yes! Her!

Bring one anime character to life!! Who is it?

This one is interesting. It'd have to be a person who could easily adapt to an ordinary life in our world, but one who is interesting enough for it not to be pointless.

So I pick Jacuzzi Splot.

Hello, next best buddy.

Do you have a lucky number?

Well, not one that has actually done anything lucky for me... but I'd like to say my lucky numbers are 111, 13, and 23

If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet?

Either Gandhi or Einstein.

Which anime/manga ending affected you the most?

Uh, as in...? I guess you could mean which got me the most emotional.

In which case it would be Elfen Lied.

I freakin' bawled for the last episode and a half...

What is the worst manga/anime you ever came across?

Probably Karneval. Not that it was terrible, it just... had no consistent plot. At all.

You are now a anime character! What is your power?

Which anime intro/ending you like the most?

...All of them.

The first anime you ever watched?

Black Butler. Unless you could Bakuman (that I watched when I was a kid) or Zatch Bell (which I saw a very little of when I was about 5)

Most favorite anime/manga character?

.....*can't pick ;A;* Some of them are Shinji Ikari, L, and Yukio Okumura.

I tag... NO ONE!! *throws confetti*

Though, if you want, you can do my 11 questions:

2. Favorite music genre/favorite musicians
3. What country are you from?
4. Gun control, yay or nay?
5. Would you rather live in Japan for the rest of your life, without being able to travel outside the country, or never be able to visit Japan ever?
6. Favorite school subject.
8. Play any instruments?
7. Did you notice something about this list?
9. What inspires you?
10. Favorite superhero?
11. How did you and your best friend meet?

I'm Back!!

Hiatus no more. But before I throw myself all the way back in, let me expand on some points and answer some possible questions:

Yes, I still am in love with Gorillaz. They're simply too good to ignore =w= However, I think the majority of Gorillaz-wallpaper posting is over, so I'm getting back into the anime wallpapers.

I'm back into anime... sort of. I'm not completely against watching anymore, but most of what I'm watching is coming out right now (Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus, Free! Eternal Summer, Tokyo Ghoul, Space Dandy Season 2, etc.). So while I'm back into watching anime a bit, I don't plan on reviewing anything in the near future (other than your review request, Klassic, I haven't forgotten about that)

I'm extremely busy. I'm taking two AP classes, marching band, as well as running a political blog. That being said, anime and theO are my lowest priority, so I may not be as active as I have been in the past.

4KRR people, I'm so sorry! I told you all I was going to do it, but then I neglected it for so long. You can go on if you don't want to wait for me any longer, or you can wait, but, like I said, anything to do with theO has very low priority.

As for my next challenge...

I know what I'm doing, and I've started working on the example, however, the example is taking a while =n= That being said, I expect it to be up sometime in October (possibly earlier).

So, that's it. It's nice to see you all again!