| Greetings! | 今日は! | Hej! | привет! |
This is a personal blog, where I'll post... well, what I want.
| Greetings! | 今日は! | Hej! | привет! |
This is a personal blog, where I'll post... well, what I want.
For winning my "Go With the [Foreign] Music" challenge.
Here you go! ^^ Honestly, I love Fai and Mokona, too, and I'm glad you requested them. ^^
Livestream here.
And, I need your guys' votes -
Should I make wallpapers, or should I work on my Hetalia fanfiction? It's ultimately up to you guys.
Wallpapers - 3
Fanfiction - 0
Title really has nothing to do with the majority of this post (it's mostly a short update), but rather a reference to my favorite song by my new celebrity crush - LEMMiNO, aka David Wångstedt. Here is that song, here is his main channel, and here is his music channel. So, why do I like him? He's Swedish, he's a great musician, he likes anime, and, well, he's attractive.
Like I've mentioned, I got a new laptop (a late graduation gift). While I still don't have all my old files on here, I think I've gotten used to this laptop.
I also got a tablet, which is cool.
And I got a haircut (one of these things is not like the other), and I pretty much love. I tried to get it close to Gieve's length, and I think I pretty much nailed it as close as I could (though I have to wait for that white scarf I ordered to come in the mail).
That's mostly it. Not a lot has been happening these past couple weeks.