This could be considered venting, so for those of you who don't like reading such things, leave. Go find yourself some comfy chesterfield to fall asleep on while stroking a cat. You'll probably find it more entertaining anyway.

So, is it possible to hate someone and love them at the same time? For them to make you feel like you hate yourself in every way, yet make you feel like the happiest person in the world? It'd be great to know that this feeling has a name; really, it would. I've never been less sure of myself in my life, concerning anything. And yet he seems to be the only constant factor in my life. Ergo, is it selfish to want to stay away from him to keep from being further confused? I'd really love to know.

Seventy-Four Things

Level 1:

() Smoked a cigarette
() Smoked a cigar
(x) Kissed a member of the same sex
(x) Drank alcohol

Level 2:

(x) Are/Been in love
(x) Been dumped
() Shoplifted
() Been fired
() Been in a fist fight

Level 3:

(x) Had a crush on an older person
() Skipped school
(x) Slept with a co-worker
() Seen something/someone die

Level 4:

(x) Had a crush on one of your facebook friends
(x) Been to Paris
() Been to Spain
(x) Been on a plane
() Thrown up from drinking

Level 5:

() Eaten sushi
(x) Been snowboarding [Alas, this resulted in an injured leg.]
() Met someone BECAUSE of facebook/myspace
() Been in a mosh pit

Level 6:

() Taken pain killers
(x) Loved/liked someone you cant have
(x) Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
(x) Made a snow angel

Level 7:

(x) Had a tea party
() Flown a kite
(x) Built a sand castle
() Gone mudding (off roading)
(x) Played dress up

Level 8:

(x) Jumped into a pile of leaves
() Gone sledging
(x) Cheated while playing a game
(x) Been lonely
() Fallen asleep at work/school

Level 9:

(x) Watched the sunset
(x) Felt an earthquake
(x) Killed a snake [I hit one with my car when it fell from the tree. I'm not sure if it was already dead or not.]

Level 10:

(x) Been tickled
() Been robbed/vandalized
(x) Been cheated on
(x) Been misunderstood

Level 11:

() Won a contest
() Been suspended from school
() Had detention
() Been in a car/motorcylce accident

Level 12:

() Had/have braces
(x) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night [Don't worry. It was totally vegan-friendly]
(x) Danced in the moonlight

Level 13:

(x) Hated the way you look
(x) Witnessed a crime
() Pole danced
(x) Questioned your heart
() Been obsessed with post it notes

Level 14:

(x) Swished barefoot through the mud [This feels amazing after long walks]
(x) Been lost [Don't wander off on paths that you haven't a clue where they go]
(x) Been to the opposite side of the world
(x) Swam in the ocean [It's cold. Not worth it]
(x) Felt like you were dying

Level 15:

() Cried yourself to sleep
() Played cops and robbers
(x) Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
() Sang karaoke
(x) Paid for a meal with only coins [I would have never guessed, but this gets you a lot of glares.]

Level 16:

(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't [Unfortunately]
() Made prank phone calls [I'd be murdered if I were ever found out]
() Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(x) Kissed in the rain!

Level 17:

() Written a letter to Santa Claus [Why would I write to him? I thought he wasn't real.]
(x) Watched the sun set and/or sun rise with someone you care/cared about [I love you, mother. : D ]
(x) Blown bubbles [Always in my beverages]
(x) Made a bonfire on the beach

Level 18:

() Crashed a party
(x) Have traveled more than 5 days in a car full of people [...and a very upset cat]
(x) Gone roller- skating/blading
(x) Had a wish come true
() Been humped by a monkey [Whoever made this survey has a crude, crude sense of humour.]

Level 19:

(x) Worn pearls
() Jumped off a bridge
() Screamed "penis" or "vagina" [I get looks as it is. Don't need any more.]
() Swam with dolphins

Level 20:

() Got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube
() Kissed a fish
(x) Worn the opposite sex's clothes [Those who know me well can laugh.]
(x) Sat on a roof top [It didn't last very long; it was slanted]

Level 21:

(x) Screamed at the top of your lungs
() Done/attempted a one-handed cartwheel
(x) Talked on the phone for more than four hours [My Gran takes AGES to shut up]
(x) Recently stayed up for a while talking to someone you care about [Elly. <3]

Level 22:

(x) Picked and ate an apple right off the tree
(x) Climbed a tree
() Have/been in a tree house
(x) Been too scared to watch scary movies alone [This is nothing new. I can't watch scary movies alone, EVER.]

Level 23:

(x) Believed in ghosts
(x) Have had more than 30 pairs of shoes [Guilty.]
() Gone streaking
() Visited jail

Level 24:

() Played chicken [...what?]
(x) Been told you're hot by a complete stranger [Anilinkz, you are a crude bunch.]
(x) Broke a bone
(x) Been easily amused

Level 25:

(x) Caught a fish then ate it later [Poor fish! D: ]
() Made a porn movie
(x) Caught a butterfly
(x) Laughed so hard you cried
(x) Cried so hard you laughed [Falling off that slanted roof!]

Level 26:

() Mooned/flashed someone
(x) Had someone moon/flash you
() Cheated on a test
(x) Forgotten someone's name
() French braided someone's hair
(x) Gone skinny dipping
() Been kicked out of your house

Level 27:

(x) Rode a roller coaster [Not my decision. I was forced]
(x) Went scuba-diving / snorkeling
() Black-mailed someone
() Been black-mailed
() Had a cavity

Level 28:

() Been used
(x) Fell going up the stairs [This is a routine.]
(x) Licked by a cat
(x) Bitten someone
(x) Licked someone

Level 29:

() Been shot at/or at gunpoint
() Flattened someone's tires
(x) Rode your bike/driven your car until the fuel light came on
(x) Got five pounds or less worth of fuel
() Had sex in the rain

Re-post this with the title "I've done ... out of 129 Stupid things.

School's Out; Everybody Shout!

I think that it's safe to say that I'm finally free. Today, I wrote my last exam of highschool [well, home-schooled highschool], and I couldn't be any happier.
First off, my tutor was a complete sod all year. He'd wear his shoes in the house, wouldn't sit straight, and kept eating while on my chesterfield. I mean, seriously; who is the teacher here?
Anyway. I got a 97% average on all of my exams [this last one brought me down a percent, but who is complaining?], so I won't get screamed at this year [Always look on the bright side of life, right? ...Which reminds me...]

Needless to say, I'm looking forward to the summer. My family and I are going back home to England to visit all of my other family members, some of whom I do and do not know. [But it's the thought that counts, right? I mean... It's always nice to meet people. They'll totally be unsuspecting of my bonkerness, and that's always a plus.] I'm having something very special done while I'm in England, so I'm really, really [...truth be told, if I put the amount of 'really's that expressed how excited I was, we'd be here all day. So to keep you on your way, I'll just supply two] excited about that.

Anyway, I hope you have a good day / night / afternoon / [insert time description of your choice]. And if you don't don't tell me about it. I'm too happy right now, and I'd rather not have your problems putting a damper my fantastic day, thanks. : D

Zombies Made Me Do It: Part 1

Zombies Made Me Do It

The dinner plate never made it to the table, because zombies just don’t wait for things like that. They come in, all mangled and jittery, and bite the nearest human being. I hate to tell you it, but the truth hurts.
It was your average post-apocalyptic Wednesday night. All of the remaining humans in the area (including yours truly) were settling in, readying ourselves for our meal. There are seven of us total, so food supply can be pretty tight sometimes. There used to be eight; Penelope, the old hag who never shut up. When we couldn’t find a Loblaws, she was the first to go, and no one really had anything to say about it, except for that old people are really stringy. That being said, you can imagine how much this interruption irked us all.

“Little bugger probably found us by accident,” Derek snorted, putting his shotgun down on the ground, the tip still smoking. Although he was a little of the hefty side, Derek had always been Darwin’s dream of a ‘clean leader’; he was the one who called the shots most of the time. He tried to say the words persuasively, but I had a feeling that no one else really thought so. Or, at least, I didn’t think so.


I was very bored, and I wanted to write something about zombies [because who doesn't like zombies?] If I like the story, or happen to find a plot for it [which may not happen any time soon], I will continue with it.
