- Created By onlyanime14
death note
one of my fav anime death note. i jst started watcing this wen i slept over gumbygirls house i never liked it but we watched it and now im obbssed with it and im reading the manga. it about this 17 yr old discovering a book after a bord shinigame named ryuk dropped it from his realm. after light starts killing mass murderes and rapists in japan. after a while a lead deatictive named L trys to find as he calls him KIRA. after a wile l and light bond and become friends. after a wile light meets misa. that is all i will say bout death note cause there soo much more. thank u alexis(gumbygirl) for getting me addicted to deathnote
its my favroite anime on one page
i made this world to support anime and show how cool it is and i was bored soo yea sucribe to it!!!!