::Day Eight::
Dear People,
Please, please stop being so stupid. Really, I know you all are better than this! You are all very, very intelligent people and I know you area all better than this!
Now don't get me wrong; I am in full support for your rants, arguments and what not I am. Look at this world after all! It is simply dedicated to ranting! In fact, this entire ACCOUNT is dedicated to such a cause! But really folks- if you want to rant do it right.
Use LOGIC and FACTS to back up your argument! And for goodness sake DO NOT CONRADICT YOURSELF! Read back and look at what you've written! This is key! You must present a solid argument not bases on your 'opinion' (I'll get to that later) but on solids facts. If at any moment you seem to contradict yourself your argument is weakened and leaves you open to people being able to rip it apart. YOU'RE CREDABILITY IS KEY!
Don't apologize! Do not be afraid to be rude! And for goodness sake DO NOT APLOGIZE FOR BEING RUDE. That completely RUINS your argument. BE PREPARED to defend your side of the argument! I am in no way saying you should use vulgar language or silly phrases to prove your point- but don't be afraid to be rude. Sometimes, it takes more guts to be rude.
And oh my oh my! DO NOT FALL BACK OF YOUR OPNION. No where should I see anything about such a matter! It will be the death to not only your argument but the death of your credibility! YOUR OPNION DOESN'T MATTER. In no way will it get your point across! It has no place in an argument at all. If you have any reason where you need to type 'Just stating my opinion' or 'And that’s your opinion' than you shouldn't be writing at all.
Lastly; don't be afraid to make people angry. Lets face it lads and lasses there are a lot of just angry people out there- let them be angry! Argue with them and defend what you have to say! IT’S OKAY IF PEOPLE ARE ANGRY. I swear really!
So now what? If you've read this I ENCOURAGE you to argue! Try to prove me wrong! I swear I do not mind. If you have the gall and the grit to than please do.
I look forward to it!
Kite Richthofen