- Created By miyohigachan
how long
how long
1: put your music player on shuffle
2: for each question, press the "next" button to get your answer
3: you MUST write that song name down, no matter HOW silly it sounds
If someone says "Is this O.K?" you say?
sieze the day
What would you describe your personality?
What do you like in a guy/girl?
sweet talk
How do you feel today?
What is your life's purpose?
like the angel
What is your motto?
sakasama no chou
What do your friends think of you?
mad as rabbits
What do you think of your parents?
tainted love
What makes you cry?
all these things i hate
How is your love life?
my girl
What do you think about very often?
sleeping in
What do you think of your bestie?
ryu no shonen
What do you think of the person you like?
mr. jack
What is your life story?
daia no hana
What do you want to be when you grow up?
under the knife
What do you think when you see the person you like?
heavens not enogh
What do your parents think of you?
all over town
What will you dance to at your wedding?
What will they play at your funeral?
boost busters
What is your hobby/intrest?
a call to arms
What is your biggest fear?
nyappy in the world
What is your biggest secret?
send my love to the dancefloor ill see you in hell
What do you think of your friends?
the thirst is taking over
What song will be the subject when you repost?
how long
What do you say when someone insults you?
What do you think of school?
apocalypse please
What did you do today?
What will you say when someone asks you to marry them?
What is your best come back?
zoe jane
What do you say when you answer the phone?
my last serenade
What will your child's first sentence be?