F&H Chapter 17 When he was last seen

Chapter 17- when he was last heard. A little shorter than most chapters but, here's the next one ^_^

Kyo whistled to himself while he marched down the hall. He was thinking fondly of the card Sakura had written just for him. "Hey, cupid," He said to one of the cherubs that was still hanging around the castle.


Kyo opened his trunk that he brought with him between classes. It held all of his junk and thingy-ma-bobs. He pulled out a chocolate cake. Scrummaging through a pocket at the front of his pants, he found a permanant marker. It squeaked as he wrote, "To Sakura, From Kyo," on the top of the plastic covering. "Make sure this gets to her!"

The boy nodded and held out his hand to recieve it. Kyo left it in his care, and returned happily to the common room.


Rukia and Ino walked through the corridors until they spotted the Gryffindor prefect.

"Bingo," Rukia whispered. "Target affirmative." The two followed Kabuto with stealth, as he was heading for the exit of the school. With no where else to hide, they blew their cover.

"Where am I?" Rukia asked loudly.

The prefect whipped around.

"I said, where am I?"

The prefect had been startled, but he returned to his normal composure and spoke. "The exit of Hogwarts. Where else?"

Rukia slapped her forehead. "Of course it is! Some guy was showing us directions to his favorite teacher's office and where do we end up but here!"

The prefect's eye twitched.

"Since we won't be able to find it now, and since you are a prefect, would you mind escorting us to the library?" Ino asked.

"Please? Please please please?" Rukia insisted.

"Okay!" Kabuto snapped. " I don't have a choice you know, it's that new rule. You two shouldn't have come here by yourselves in the first place."


After many successful missions had ended, the group soon found a pattern in Kabuto's schedule. Every friday, and wednesday, he would be seen heading for the exit. As March was ending, the friends began to see changes in the prefect's behavior. He was more dangerously moody than usual, and had a bad cough. Not to mention, his skin was off-color and his looked eyes bleached. But right when they thought they had caught on to his patterns... another person disappeared-- this time a student. Kabuto, the Gryffindor prefect himself, went missing.


" Another month wasted!" Syaoran said, ripping a page from his pocket calendar.
Yusuke shook his head. "And after our spying was going so well. Ami even gave the order to follow him out tonight. Maybe he realized..."

Syaoran considered this. "Ami, thank you for all your hard work. We still might have a chance to catch him and find where he's decided to disappear off to. What time does Kabuto usually approach the school doors at?"

Ami flipped through her notes. "On a wednesday such as this, he comes at exactly 10:00."

Syaoran nodded. "Understood. We will continue the mission as planned."

Ami protested. " But Syaoran, what makes you think he'll be there? If he's disappeared, than he won't be hanging around the castle for us to run into."

"Well I can't take anymore of this standing around and wondering. We need to take the risk. We need to follow through with this."
