Huh... it seems as if you found my room... you must be very clever... maybe you can help me out...
Well... a girl named lunastarz led me into finding this site... It may deem helpful with the investigations I'm undergoing... however, it also may not... so the percentages will vary it seems... Especially due to the fact I see KIRA activity...
If you want to talk or give me some information, don't hesitate to PM me...
KIRA has not killed me. He isn't even aware of who I am, nor will find out as long as I'm watching him.
However, I have been busy on a case. Everyone's staking out a possible meth lab next to us... though I can't say this is important work for what I normally do... But I suppose the police needs all the help they can get and I'm there to oblige.
I am a tad tired, but I'll be fine... I'll be talking as I normally am
Sadly, this is why you haven't seen me for the last, month was it?
I've been called into a big case and it's very important that I solve, so that's more than likely why I will be gone for a while and you don't hear from me, I deeply apologize to everyone if I am unavailable
Guess what I was doing this entire week basically? yes, I was buckled down with paperwork -_-' *sighs* Sorry about that... I have some more coming I think... who knows... Even during the holidays I'm busy it seems...
Well it's almost Christmas and yet I'm still busier than ever with cases and paperwork *sighs*
That's why I haven't been here for a while, I apologize.
Everything has been so backed up lately I can't think straight, especially with more and more sleepless nights and stressed out guys yelling at you...
Well, I'm going to see if I can talk to anyone...
I feel depressed today... I don't understand why... other things I suppose
Sorry this is short I don't feel like typing much...