hey it me laylaheartz. this is my first time doing a poem. its about my mom and me. i hope you like it.
you said you knew wut wuz wronge wit me, but i know you dont. you always say that i was a sweet little girl, and i know that,but a lot of ppl change. when i was a little girl you told me to be myself and not someone else but this is who i am. now youre telling me to change bak, but i cant. this is who i am and you cant change me bak. if you tell me wut to do it will feel like im living a lie, so dont tell me wut to do cause it wouldnt feel right. i know you want your little girl bak so bad but i cant change, i dont know why. i tried to change for you i really did but am sorry i only changed a little and its not wut you wanted me to change. you wanted me to change my attitude but i didnt. i changed my grades for you but thats not wut you wanted am sorry , i failed you, but no one can change me bak now.
hey its me laylaheartz. yeah am jus here in my room listening to music. i just finished my homework cause i really want my fone back. my mom took away my fone for wut had happen last week. yeah im dieing cause i havent tex or talked to my boyfriend and friends for the longest time but i see them at school so yeah
anyways today was a crazy day at school like alway. me,brandon and ashlie were get out of ela when we dared brandon to tell the teacher i love u. we tought he wouldnt do it but he did. he was going out the door when he said "bye mrs i love u ur the best teacher ever" the whole class was laughting and the teacher too. brandon told me and ashlie that he wasnt going to talk to us but we knew
he was jokeing because he cant go a min without talking to us.
when we got out of school i stayed after school with my friends and my boyfriend. me and my friend kimberly stayed for an after school progarm and my boyfriend was just waiting for the bus cause it always comes late, so i was jus there with him talking alone for the first time cause evreytime we want to be alone one of my friends or him's friends gets into the conversation. well ill post again tommorow morning if i can cause right now i need to get my stuff ready for tommorow.
see ya later