wake up call

hey ppl well today i woke up cause my 1 year old causin decided to sream in my ear. well when i calmed down i changed and went outside wit my 10 year old causin. we ended up playin soccer for 10 min cause i was still sore from fightin on monday.well my grandma had went to the doc so i didnt see her when i woke up so when she came home i had to give her a hi bye.when my causin had left my bro had came yay . when my bro was here me and sis were washin dishes.

well on monday me,muh sis and muh bro were watchin wrestling. when wrestlin finished me and muh sis decided to fight our bro.well when we finished fighin we ended up going to sleep 1st muh bro then me then muh sis.

