Holy SHrimp! I haven't used this site in a good month or so. < <
Well, I was figurein that it was about time to start using this site. I'd procrastinated long enough. o.o
So yeah, was just postin to let u ppl know that I was gonna start using this site more oftne. And about the bg pic. the pic had Kurogane in it to, he was on the right, but theo page didn't have enough room for him. XD lolz
Anyway, I'm gonna try to post more art soon. XD I also want to make two new worlds on here to support meh Writing and Art stuff. If u ppl have any requests for that, I'll C what I can do. ^ ^
And anyway, um, that's about it...^ ^
COments are much apreciated, so comment if u can.XD
and um that's it.