
I haven't posted in a few days. XD I'm sorry about that.
:D My cousins came over. And then there was the recovery day, that we caught up on chores. :T Then there was 2day. XD I finally have the time to post. :D

Not much other than that (and it was a really fun day when they came over) Its jussstttt Theres nothing else to post about. :D

So Imma just go straight to comments XD:


lolz XD ur backgrounds wickd and the sun hurts my eyes 2 :P wow ur turning 18??? ur older than me lolzXD altho its not that surprising

Me: XD thanks. I really like my bg to. :D Kuro's in it too, he just gets cut off. XD LOL
Yeah I'm turning 18! XD awesome. :D I could set up shop, and sell my art for reals (though I don't see that happening in the near future XD)


wow! your learning nihongo... im trying to. i only got to the basic sentences. im not really taking lessons, just reading books and japanese dictionary ... hope you have a great week even though you have so much to do ... have fun!!

Me: LOL :D Well the Japanese learning isn't going so hot, since I've been so busy with other stuff. >< I'll prolly finally be able to get back to it next week.. But thats a maybe. :T
Good luck learning Japanese. XD Its really hard. :D I hope you learn it well, :D I will commend you for eet. (Idk if I'll be able to learn any more of it. XD) d^^d good luck
U have fun too :D

randomness... I'LL SHOW YOU A FAT RABBIT!

O_O Is that a threat??/

XD LOL hey xerin. :T I don't get it xD

Thats all

O_O did anyone hear about the new Tim Burton movie? O_O
I saw a trailer for it on youtube. XD


