I need to start posting more. :T I'm thinking about just getting a blogger or something, and then linking that to ever site that I'm supposed to post on. :T
That would be easier. LOL! ><
If you ever played gaia tho :O the posting there suckz><
I've been listening, yes listening to Brisinger, the third book in the Inheritance trilogy. yeah thats the Eragon books.. ~.^
:O its a good story :T but the guy who's reading is kinda annoying. :T
But its soo worth it. :3
That previous paragraph could have been much funnier. :T
Well I also graduated from that GED thing. :D Yeah. If you look it up on wikipedia it will tell you what it is.
Now! :O
Its been so long, I don't think ppl care about the last comments. :3 All though I do its super nice for anyone to comment...unless they leave a mean comment, which luckly for me, I have never gotten. :3
I do not think I will get very many comments. D: its cuz I'm always to busy to comment on other ppls sites O_O
I'm sorry T^T I wish could. :T but if I'm gonna sell manga or anything, I need to but what ever social life I have, on the back burner for a bit. :D So bear with me!......did I even spell bear right? :T
Wandering thought: who thinks it would be a good idea for Adam to give theO a forum. :T just saying.