*a million contented sighs in one*
Momocon '09, O how I love thee! Seriously, it was the BEST!!! Hello, Otakuns~! I'm back from one of my best moments of anime love. I spent a total of 6 hours buying, dancing, and commuting with fellow otakus. My parents were generous enough to let me walk around on my own while they did their own thing. Talk about lucky! I spent all of my allowance on plushies, keychains, art, and posters. Hahaha. Here's mostly what I bought at the con.

-Tobi plush (I think someone took the first one, so I bought another)
-Deidara plush
-Sasuke plush (for a friend)
-Sakura from Tsubasa (for friend)
-Gambit necklace
-Lucky Cat chopsticks
-Purple lacy cat ears & black cat tail
-Jushiro Ukitake keychain
-(human) Tyki Mikk & Allen poster
-Allen, Lavi, Lenalee, Krory, & Miranda poster
-Brooke plush
-Chopper plush (for friend)
-Original 1st edition Japanese Sailor Moon Super S manga~ <3
-D. Gray-man mystery capsule...I got the Earl, but I wanted Cross! T_T
-Anbu dog mask
-Some original art from Steven Cummings, the man behind the Pantheon High manga & some X-Men comics
-Gothloli hair pin
-D. Gray-man original soundtrack
-Watchmen keychain (for friend)
-V for Vendetta sticker (for friend)

....And I think that's all! XDDD Shopping 4 anime is fun.

I had a wonderful time acting with the other cosplayers! I got hugged by about 2 different Tobis! XDDD One of them was my favorite~! He was so cuuuute~! >/////< Hahaha. A Hidan cosplayer attempting the "walking on water" jutsu in a reflecting pool, but failed. We let him know it, too! I made the mistake of saying "Hahahaha! Yeah, Bet 'cha Jashin can't do that!"....Let's just say that there was a lot of me screaming like a schoolgirl and a three-blading scythe colliding with my back! XD lol I say several D. Gray-man cosplayers and got a couple of action shots with a Tyki! :3 Hahaha. I didn't think he took me seriously with my purple cat ears... -_-# A Lavi smacked me on the head with her hammer! XDDD Twice! lawlz Hahaha. We even cheered on a squirrel that was jumping around in tree. I don't know why. Oh, and there was yaoi...lots and LOTS of yaoi! Not me of course! X3 *coughyaoipaddlecough* =D Then we did CARAMELLDANSEN!!! Hahaha! Yeeees! Just look for a Daisya Barry on the far right of the screen! That's me! 8DDD I had a great time at the con and I hope that everybody who attended posts some vids/pics soon! Thanks for listening in to the my blog! Until next time~~~! Daisya-Cat signing out!