*yaaaaawnz* ....Huh?

Ho' Snapz! 'ello, Poppitz!!! What be the latest of communal inquires? =DDD

.......Okay, I'll stop talking like a Shakespearian gangsta. LAWL! Just wanted to check on TheO again. I'm at the awesome Myrtle Beach de South Cackalaky (Carolina). I honestly don't know why I love that word? Meh. Dunno, really.

It's hot, but not too bad. ! T_T Just been hovering round the WiFi cafe at the campground doing nuttin' much. I'm trying not to get myself killed on my motor scooter/bike. The kickstand has come loose, my tires deflate every few nights, and my front basket broke. Yep! The only thing keeping it together are twist ties and some tape. Man, I'm cheap, desperate, etc. D:< Meh. It'll live...for now. I nearly jumped the curb when my brakes gave out for a second! DO NOT WANT! /D:

As for my latest creations, I'm thankful for all the attention that my first wallie got! I'm still new to the concept of layering, but I consider this a major steppingstone towards...Bleah, you get the idea! XDDD THANKS, Y'ALL!!!

Also, Props to Animesick for the dedication! You rule man! Something good will come as a token of my appreciations! ARIGATOU!!!

Nothing much to say besides that. I'll get back to y'all later tonight or in the week. Laterz!
