So This will be a summary post. I have been income-less for a little while so all work on the Tardis is on Delay. I was hoping to have a new door by the end of the year, but I had to pay for classes and there goes 3 more doors worth of $$$$. So I start work back up at the end of Feb. and I have devoted my first two paychecks towards the Tardis.
Moving on. Currently I have been working on another picture project. This one is significantly larger and is draining me, so I've been working on it little by little. Also I have been requested by Lego to try and work with real world Physics and lay off the program for a while and build something with my hands. I decided to scrap the 3 castles currently in my town and build them into one giant one. Its going slow seeing I just started tonight. I will post pics when done.
And because I haven't posted a pic in a while here's a Dratini.