Space Battleship Yamato

Where and How To Watch Space Battleship Yamato Now?

The "Space Battelship Yamato" T.V. series originally aired on Yomiuri TV, and while there have not been news yet of whether any Japanese T.V. network is currently showing them, it's unfortunate that none of the series is on North American T.V. anymore. Here are a few things you can do if you wish to experience the "Space Battleship Yamato" Anime and their visuals for yourself:

  • Search into streaming video sites (ex: youtube).
  • Buy or rent videos/DVDs containing the "Yamato" episodes and films. Note: if you live in North America, you'll only find the "Yamato" T.V. episodes in English dubbed format (carrying the "Star Blazers" label), but you can find English subbed format for the films, and so far, only "Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato: In The Name of Love" has an English Dubbed format on Video.
  • If it's hard to find "Space Battleship Yamato" videos/DVDs in stores, order them online at shopping websites (ex: or at the "Space Battleship Yamato" website