Pokemon: Leafeon
National #: 470
Title: Verdant Pokémon
Type of Pokemon: Grass
Held Item: None
Ability: Leaf Guard
Attacks: Leaf Blade, Razor Leaf, Magical Leaf, Grass Whistle, Synthesis
Weak Against: Fire, Ice, Steel, Dragon
Name: Lea
Nick Names: None
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Birthday: April.10,1996
Birthstone: White Sapphire
Sign: Aries
Element: Fire
Height: 5'6
Weight: 91lbs
Chest: C34
Hair Color: Blond with green tips at bangs
Hair Length: Past shoulders
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Tan
Build: Hourglass
Markings/Scars: Bite marks on leg
Tattoos: Small design above butt
Piercings: none
Looks: Leafeon ears and tail
Full Outfit: Cream Tank with dark green straps, Dark brown shorts, Leaf necklace, Black/Green high tops, Dark brown bracelet with a gem hanging off of it
Persona: Kind/Smart/Strong/Rudeish
Orient: Straight
S/O: None
Rival: Leaf
Siblings: None
Relationships: None
Hometown: Celestic Town
Grade: 9
Job: None
Song Name: Never grow up
Song Artist: Taylor Swift
Likes: Sports, Lakes, singing, Friends
Dislikes: Fire, blood, Perverts
Fears: Seeing friends die, Death, Losing friends,
Strengths: Water, Ground
Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Steel, Dragon
Food: Cake
Drink: Milk
Color: Golden Yellow and Green
Flower: Rose
Tree: Cherry Blossom
Season: Fall
Activity: Soccer
Background: *cricket cricket*