Name: Rue
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Birthday: Unknown
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 100 lbs
Chest: 36D
Hair Color: Black with Blue Tips
Hair Length: Between shoulders and elbows
Eye Color: Dark Green
Skin Tone: Peach
Status: First Year High School Student.
True Cross Academy Ex-wire.
Exorcism Cram School
Demon Half Breed
Personality: Outgoing, Tsundere-ish (An amusing one), Truthful, Loyal, Stubborn at times, Protective
Likes: Nature, Cats, Sleep, Music, Playing Guitar (She’s actually really good), Being warm, Blankets, Food, Rain (It’s like a cold shower), Showers, Singing, Cooking, Video Games
Dislikes: Blood (Makes her go full demon), Seeing someone cry, Getting woken up, Other people getting hurt because of her, Being called a monster
Special features:
-Pointy Ears
-Has a scar on right shoulder
-Wears a cross necklace that seals her demon powers (But her tail and pointy ears are still visible)