Alec McKnight

Name: Alec McKnight

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Birthday: January 12th

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 120 lbs

Chest: He is a male so flat.

Hair Color: Red

Hair Length: To chin

Eye Color: Golden-ish

Skin Tone: Tan

Status: Second Year High School Student.
Exorcist, Knight
Exorcism Cram School
Demon Half Breed

Personality: Kind, gentleman-like, caring, a bit flirty, friendly, loyal, affectionate, lazy, forgiving, immature at times.

Likes: Food, people, animals, girls, drums, sun, hot weather, swimming, friends

Dislikes: Getting angry, seeing girls cry, cold weather, cages

Special features:
Pointed ears
Cross chain bracelet
Tattoo of the sun on his right arm, designs beside it

Picture is in the middle of being worked on.
