all about ME

I'm going to indulge myself and write up a lengthy introduction post

My name is Lena and I'm from New Hampshire. I'm 25 (almost 26, good Lord) and I use she/her pronouns.

I've been drawing my whole life, and drawing comics since middle school. I've published webcomics off and on in high school and college, but I kinda burned myself out and haven't made any in a while. I have something in the works now though, and I'm hoping I'll be able to show you sometime this year!

I've had multiple accounts on TheOtaku over the years, you can probably find them if you try. I'm starting a new account now because, well, why not? Social media is dead, long live niche little websites that let you run fan art contests and mail pixel art boxes of Pocky to your friends.

I'm going to use this blog to do blog stuff. This is where you go to get the breaking news on what Lena had for lunch today lol. I have some ideas for what to do with the other three worlds I'm alloted, but it's subject to change. I'm thinking one to act as a guide to all my OCs, one for pictures of my Monster High dolls and other collectibles, and...I dunno, maybe the last one can be for reviews of movies and stuff? We'll see.

I'm including a link to my carrd so you can find me other places on the 'net. I'm on Tumblr, Bluesky, Insta- the woiks. All of those platforms should have info on how to contact me for commission info, but I'm going to make a point of not advertising my services much here. This is just for fun, not business.

And uh, yeah, I think that's everything! I'm looking forward to settling back into this place. I missed ya, TheO.
