Avoiding a problem or inconvenience will often make a problem worse and an inconvenience well, more inconvenient.
Everyone's done it... right? I have anyway several times in fact. I'll have some problem big or small say, need to take care of financial aid at school, or someone won't stop hounding me to hang out even though I've said NO many many times.
Resistance to another human being seems to make them more persistent, which I find highly annoying. How do you tell someone no, without hurting them? This is an art I've yet to master, if anyone should have a word of advice I'll gladly take it.
Basically the lesson here, what I'm trying to say is don't avoid a conflict just because it seems uncomfortable. Usually, can't say always, but usually avoidance will only make the situation worse. And if it's awkward just think how much more awkward it will be the longer you wait!