Ashley to the rescue!

------------------Amby's Pov-------------

Ryan touched my face he looked Scarred and shocked he pulled back and stepped back My eyes held sadness in them jazzy ran up to Jessa's room and growled Ryan ran up with me following shortly behind "BREAK DOWN THE DOOR!!"Jazzy yelled Ryan ran into the door with his shoulder ounce he broke down the door I saw her balcony open AHHH I jumped down not caring who followed me down I smelled Jess and A vampire a damn vampire!!I growled and saw the mess and pulled Jess to me The vampire got up and ran towards us I pushed Jess behind me and Smirked at the vampire when he got to me I upper cut him sending him flying after that i smirked and jumped on his body and kept punching him"DO THAT AGAIN YOU FUCKING BASTARD AND I'LL KILL YOU SHES MINE!!!!"I yelled By mine I meant Sister Family not like relation Mine hhahaaahha The guy groaned and I jumped off him and he ran towards me this time he got in a punch making me bleed green I wiped the blood off and spit on the guy he growled and screamed in pain and twisted up dieing"Don't mess with a Mixed breed with Acid blood Bud!"I yelled Ryan and the others caught up Ryan looked at the guy then at me then back and forth I smiled at Everyone"AMBER RENEA!!!!"Jazzy Yelled I laughed"Ash actully Amber/Ashley Renea"i said Ryan looked at me with wide eyes I smiled and Waved "Miss Me Princey?"I asked smiling at him then I jumped on him head locking him Laughing"Please tell me Princey Ryan Missed Ashy Ash come on I missed the castle you don't wanna know what happened there hows everyone going?Has Killer killed someone hows Buster?"I asked breathing heavily Ashley mode then I punched ryan in the gut after that"I'm not forgiving you Ryan!"I yelled I laughed Geez weird reunion.
