Mythical Creatures and Me...Nope,Still Doesn't Sound Right

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER EIGHTEEN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When I saw him staring back at me, I didn't know what to do. I just thought I'd rather be anywhere then there and BAM! I'm stuck somewhere in the woods. If only I knew where. I sighed and sat down on the forest floor. I really was pathetic. I fell for a guy, got heartbroken by that guy, got over that guy, and got heartbroken again by the same guy because I learned he was engaged. Fun right?

I heard a twig snap and some leaves crunch. I turned around quickly and came face to face with the guy with the glowing red eyes.

I hope he's not gonna eat me.

We both hope that.

He was in a crouching position and he leaned towards me and...

Sniffed my face? Where's the vicious growling? Is this some sort of dream? I pinched myself, hard. No, it's not a dream. He drew back and glared at me then lunged.

I prepared myself and put my arms in front of me in a defensive position but no pain came. Instead I heard the crunching of leaves and grunts that sounded like two people were fighting?

I turned around and saw 'red eyes' fighting another guy. 'Red eyes' snapped the other one's neck in a way that I wouldn't want my neck snapped in. Heck, I don't even want my neck snapped in any direction. 'Red eyes' got up off him then stared down at me, raising an eyebrow. I raised one back as if asking 'What am I supposed to do?'. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"You're supposed to tell me your name." He said. His voice fit him perfectly. I liked it. A lot. I think a little too much.

"Oh. Right." I replied, hesitating.

Should I tell him my name? What if this some kind of trap and he really is gonna eat me?

I figured that not too much trouble could come from this so I told him my name. "I'm Jessica."

"It suits you. I like it." He said. I raised an eyebrow at him. He smirked and turned around then started walking away.

"Hey! You never told me your name!" I called after him. He turned his head over his shoulder and he was still smirking.

"Did I say I would?" He asked. He was obviously amused.

"Not but-" I started, but he cut me off.

"No buts. I never said I did." He said, turning his head back over his shoulder and continued walking away.

I shot up from my sitting position and ran after him. I caught his arm and spun him around.

"Listen up, Mr. Red eyes! You're not supposed to be the smart-ass! That's my job!" I said. He was still smirking and I could see that he was amused in his eyes. Surprisingly, they weren't red anymore. They were a dark brown.

"Sure it is." I looked after him, with my mouth hanging open. That's it? Seriously? "If you leave your mouth open long enough, you might catch something." He called back to me, without turning around. I huffed, irritated, and ran after him again. This time I was determined and I wouldn't give up until I learned his name. I jumped onto his back and latched myself on.

"Tell me your name!" I yelled. It didn't seem like my weight fazed him at all. He just kept walking, holding onto my legs, as if to steady me.

"Give me a good reason and I'll consider it." He said, still walking.

"I told you mine." I said, with a puppy dog face. He craned his neck around and looked at me, resting my head on his shoulder.

I'm not exactly sure what it was about him but I was drawn to him and if I wasn't careful enough, I might not be able to let go. And no, I'm not just talking about getting off his back.

"Sorry, that doesn't work on me." I huffed again and gave up. He kept carrying me like this and i wasn't exactly sure where he was taking me but I saw a little cabin up ahead.

"So, this is you're little hideout?" I asked, pointing ahead at the cabin.

"Hideout?" He asked, still walking.

"Well, yea. I have my hideout. Well, it doesn't exactly belong to me but it's the forest. In a way, I guess you could say it calms me and there's a bunch to find in the forest." I said.

"There's also a bunch to run into, in the forest." He said, setting me down, so he could open the door. "By the way, it's Luke." He finished.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"My name's Luke."
Author's Note: Hope you liked it!
