Mythical Creatures and Me...Nope,Still Doesn't Sound Right

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER TWENTY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When the door slammed shut and Aidan appeared I was completely snapped out of my daze.

There was no way I was dealing with this again.

Maybe you should let him explain.

'Cause that's gonna work out so well.

It's just a suggestion and maybe his explanation is actually worthwhile.

I doubt it.

By now I was in the shower washing away all my stress. If only Aidan would go away. That would probably help a lot.

When I was done my shower I wrapped a towel tightly around my body. Luke was letting me stay in his spare room. Right now Aidan and Luke were talking in the living room. At least I thought they were.

When I walked out of the bathroom that was connected to the room I was staying in I came face-to-face with Aidan's neck. So he's a head taller then me. What's your point.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, putting venom in my voice when I said 'you'.

"I want to explain." He said.

"And I want you to drown. We can't have everything we want, now can we?" I asked, walking past him.

"Just, please, listen to me." He asked, pleadingly.

"Look, you told me your engaged and I suffered! Isn't that enough?!" I yelled.

"Y-you what?" He asked, taken back.

"Just go away. I'm not in the mood." I told him, grabbing some clothes and going back into the bathroom. I threw the door, trying to close it but he stopped it with his hand.

"God, what do you want from me?!" I yelled, frustrated.

"I want you to listen!" He yelled back.

"Well, I'm tired of listening! I just want to be left alone!" I yelled, slamming the door in his face and locking it. I sighed and relaxed myself against the door.

Ugh, you're so stubborn.

I don't care! Just shut up!

I pushed myself off the door and decided to get dressed. Luke let me borrow some clothes of his so I got dressed in a very loose t-shirt and shorts that hung loosely around my waist.

I grabbed a scrunchie from the pocket of my pants and tied my hair in a loose pony tail.
I don't know where she went but when I tracked her scent to a little hut, I was shocked. The hut was burnt down to ashes and her scent was all over it.

No, no, no! She couldn't have died!

I collapsed to my knees and stared blankly at the ashes.

How could I have let this happen?! I should've been there for her!

I couldn't help but blame myself for what happened to her. I felt like her death should have been pinned on me. If I was there for her none of this would've happened and she would be here with me.

It just wasn't fair. I could even hear my father's voice.

'Life's not fair, son. We can't have everything we want.'

He would always say. And he was right. Life wasn't fair. First my parents then my sister and now my first love.

I, unconsciously, let some of my tears fall. The first real tears in years.

Life's a real bitch.
She suffered? I thought it was only me.

"God, you're such an idiot." I said to myself. I really was an idiot. When I was little my mother would always say, 'If you like a girl, you should tell her because she won't wait forever.'

I think I finally knew what those words meant. I let the girl I liked slip between my fingers and move on. Now she can't even utter my name without hatred.

"You're right. You are an idiot. You let a girl like that pass by you and you didn't even do anything." I heard Luke say. He was standing in front of me, with a sincere look.

"Don't remind me." I said, sitting down on the couch and covering my face with my hands.

"Aidan. You're my favorite cousin and probably the only one I know who's not evil but maybe it wasn't meant to happen. You know what Aunt Claire would say. 'If fate doesn't want something to happen, it most likely won't'." He said, quoting her.

"For once, I want to make my own fate." I said.

"Good luck with that." He said, leaving the room.

"Thanks. I'll definitely need it." I mumbled to myself.
