You bug the hell outta me!

--------------------Cullen's pov.-----------------------------

Fixing food for Sleeping Beauty wondering what the other guy is doing...the guy Beauty wants to be her boyfriend wonder who it is?I'll fight him off if I have to.Sleeping Beauty walked into the kichen wide eyed"CULLY!!!!OMG!!!!ITS FREAKING FOOD!!!!!!!!"Sleeping beauty yelled and jumped on my back taking the cookie in my mouth and growling

"My Cookie BWAHAHHAHAHAHAHA RAWR!"sleeping beauty said

I laughed and she giggled I now regreted giving her a big shirt it most likely was my biggest mistake ever.

------------------------Amby's pov.----------------------------------------

I smelled food so I walked to what I presumed the kichen and jumped on Cullen's back"CULLY OMG ITS FREAKING FOOD!!!!"I yelled and snapped the cookie cullen had in his mouth and ate it

"Your a Spider Monkey Love"Cullen said

I nodded and bit on Cullen's ear ring to see how it tasted not as good as Ryan Cullen froze

"W-W-What are you doing love?"he asked

I giggled

"Tasting your ear ring duh!"I said as if it was the ovisious thing in the whole world

Cullen growled and plucked me off his back and sat me on a chair

"Cully!Whats for Food?!"I asked

Cullen laughed

"My food you don't wanna know what I want you will be having a good meal Love"Cullen said

I sighed

"Promise one thing Kiss My eyes and lay to sleep"I soung

Ryan are you going to save me?this would be the second time you don't...At the castle I was raped there and abused I used to scream out for help but no one came I wanted you to come rescue me but it never happened I wanted you to cuz' I loved you dearly I still do! I thought to Ryan's mind

I wished I could see him I wish I could kiss him but that would be a dream he doesn't like me he has all those whores I'm useless to him "Cully do you have a peice of paper and a penceil????"I asked

"Of course Love!"Cullen said handing me a penceil and paper

I started drawing Ryan and when I was done it was a perfect drawing of him smiling a real smile I only dreamed of seeing

"Whos that Love?"Cullen asked resting his chin on my shoulder

"He would be Ryan.....Love"I whispered

He'd be the one I love...Ryan Promise me one thing after I die Kiss My eyes and Lay to sleep......I love you I whispered to him in thoughts....I hoped he understood
