Mythical Creatures and Me...Nope,Still Doesn't Sound Right

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I HATE mating season~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Let me tell you the reason why I regret stepping out of my house.

A) Aidan left me.

B) I'm being chased by lusting male werewolves.

And C) I just tripped and my ankle's tangled in a vine. Do you know what the means? I. Am. Screwed.

I looked back to see them getting closer. My eyes widened in fear and I tried to untangle the vines. Not only was I not having any luck, they were getting dangerously close.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!

Not only was I gonna become a mate of a male werewolf I might also get raped. That is not in my agenda of things to do. Therefore, I have to get out of this situation or I will no longer be a virgin.

Not a good thing.

As soon as they caught up to me, they started fighting and shoving each other away from me.

One of them managed to get the other ones away and I could see the lust in his eyes.

This. Is not. Good.

No kidding, Sherlock!

In a swift moment he was on top of me and pinning my arms to the ground. I struggled under him and tried to shove him off.

Not working out so well.
"Well, I haven't really been there for a while." I said, sheepishly. "But I can tell you that it hasn't changed much. What will change are those men that raped you." I said, with a snarl.

Amby sighed and kissed me again. I couldn't help but kiss back. Here I was with the most amazing girl ever. I knew that I would never take this for granted.

Like, ever.
I heard the yelling of Aidan in his demonic form and I immediately went into panic mode.

There was no telling what he would do in that form. Jess was fragile, since she was a human. If he lost control for one second she might be dead and I knew I couldn't let that happen.

I ran out of my cabin and started running towards the source of yelling but suddenly it stopped and everything was silent.

All that could be heard was the chirping of the birds, the crunching of leaves and twigs while animals walked around and more animal noises.

But there was a certain one. A one that made my adrenaline pump. I heard a scream. Specifically, a girl's scream.
I screamed as loud as I could but it seemed like that didn't do much because as soon as my scream started, it was stopped.

His hand clamped over my mouth, muffling my screams and pleas for help. He ripped off my shirt and the cool air might've felt refreshing under different circumstances but all I could feel was fear.

I screwed my eyes shut as tears flowed down my cheeks. This wasn't the way I wanted to lose my virginity. I wanted to lose it to somebody I loved, not like this. Definitely not like this.

Before he could get my pants off he was tackled to the ground. I heard a sickening snap of something. The same snap that I heard when Luke saved me from that vampire.

When my savior turned around to face me, I immediately recognized those piercing red eyes. I embraced Luke tightly while he rubbed my back while whispering soothing words.

I couldn't stop the sobs. I was so close to losing the thing that I could never get back and at the last minute he saved me. We stayed that way for a long time until I had no more tears to cry and sleep was all that clouded my mind until my world went black.
Author's Note: Woah. Just woah. I never knew I could really write like that. I haven't felt that way for a long time. While writing this I just let the words flow and BAM! It turned into this. I think this is beyond my best writing. So far, anyways.
