
-------------------Jazzy's Pov.---------------------

I'm glad I followed Kage cuz' he got lost in the forest ugh I would have lost someone great "Your sooooooooooo lucky I followed you you dumbo without me you'd be lost hhaah"I said looking past Kage cuz' I couldn't look at people after following them its a habit okay after I said this I fell to the ground cuz' I ran too fast and got wore out by that I fell down in the dirt panting this took alot outta me and good thing was Mating season was over HHA!

-------------------Amby's pov.----------

Grrrrr Koh was annoying and thing is Shes going to walk up to that house and knock on the door thats just what she did waltz right up there grrr "HELLO IS ANYONE HOME?!"Koh yelled I ran out to the door too shivering a guy and a girl answered the girl smelled of water lillies Jessica!!!I looked at the girl I figured was Jessica and glared accusingly she looked at me too glaring

JESSICA!!!!!!!!"I yelled pulling the girl

I knew she was jessica I had the feeling

"I DON'T WANT YOU TO RUN TRUTH BE IT I LOVE SAVING YOU!!!!!Your My Dang sister and I love you and never want you outta my life realize that for me please and we're not going to be happy without you please come back"I said

I hoped she got that cuz' I meant every word of it

-------------Lea's pov.--------------------------------------------

I tilted my head back to actully see a guy checking me out he looked kinda drunk Terry laughed "told ya soo Lay-Lay!"she said I rolled my eyes at her and kept looking at the guy he looked kinda filmiluar? nah its my imagination I thought I got up and pulled Terry to the dance floor and whispered about non sense one of the whispers was about Underwear color we laughed I like this Terry girl shes awesome!I felt eyes on me and turned to bump into a guy "Eeep!!!!Sorry!!"I yelled blushing Terry laughed at me I'll kick her ass the guy laughed too okay he was drunk

--------------Sweety's pov.----------------------

lea said she needed to go to a bar Let her go yo a bar yeah I let her go to a bar I could tell she was going to come back drunk I didn't care I was just here for no reason and scared.....

-------------Izzy's pov.-----------------------------

I was stumbling through the woods and everything I fell and cut my hand so now I dripping blood and scared
