Carly The girl with the power to kill Amby orrrrrr not XD

--------------------------------Amby's pov.-----------------------------------

Omg ewwwwww Carly kissed my cheek okay its okay but thats far enough I mean I don't want to be mean or anything but technally I only want to stick to guys....Carly and I linked arms and skipped off to the forest laughing leaving Ember and Ryan bewildered "WELL ARE YOU COMING RYAN EMBER?!?!?!?!!"I yelled Carly laughed Ember ran up to us dragging Ryan along

"One listen to Amby two shes leader she will tell you what to do and you do it three you are hers and you will do as she says"Ember muttered to Ryan then started a new sentence in a whisper

"even in bed you shall obey her"Ember whispered

Ryan looked at her weirdly I giggled lightly Carly did too

--------------Ember's pov.----------------------------------------------------

Telling Ryan all he will do for Amby is sooooo much fun even when I meantioned Bed he almost grabbed Amby and Ran soooooo hilarious HAHAHAHA Amby giggled lightly she heard the "Even in bed you shall obey her" sentence Carly giggled also Preppy much???Amby on the other hand she was gothic looking and emo looking both combo of both.Under her eyes were rings not so dark but dark enough to actully look kinda like eyeliner Amby's eyes bright icy blue were shining much much brighter then I normally remembered them shining its like as long as Ryan was there she was shining bright like a star and we were the ones watching her shine but the show was meant for Ryan and him only like her singing was meant for him and only him.....

---------------------------------Amby's pov.-----------------------------------

Ember was thinking hard I mean really hard I was really worried about it no not really but still I mean thinking about what I found a big pound and leaned over it looking at my relfection with Carly's smiling reflection grinning at me I grinned back Myself shining weirdly I blinked My eyes were bright icy blue then Icy blue I blinked at my reflection till I felt Ryan behind me I turned and jumped on him "HI RY RY!!!!!!!"I yelled and kissed him alot I heard Ember ewwwww and Carly laugh.I kissed Ryan again I was happy glowing happy


I laughed and kissed Ryan again and again I was hoping to get Jess back but I knew something happened someone found her and got her back for somereason I knew this and Valentines day coming up not Valentines Valentines day but a person I knew Valentine's day her name is Valentine aka Valen
