Dear Elder,
Thank you for the advise but it didn't really work.
I wanted a guild member's attention because i needed information on how to join but when she didn't respond the curse started coming over me again and my brain shut down again.
Nicola refuses to repeat what I said to me. I guess it was pretty bad.
Do you think you could give me something else? I feel like I am asking too much.
Thank you,
Katarine Shadowski
P.S. I'm thinking of teaching Nicola how to read and write. Is that alright?
Dear father,
Mom may have told you but Anna and I made it into fairy tail. There were also two other new comers a brother and sister whos names I don't know.
The sister got mad at me for some reason. I dont know what I did she tapped me on the shoulder and gave me an angry look. I couldnt hear what she said but Anna signed to me it wasnt very nice.
Well enough about me hows things back home? Are the villagers becoming friendlier?
With love,
Dear Mom,
Hey mom it happened cecile and I got accepted into fairy tail! Now sis can finally complete her goal in life and I'll be there right by her side.
Anyways how are things back home? How are things with the villagers and father? I do hope they are treating him with more respect.
P.S C.C says hi
Dear Elder,
We have entered Magnolia as said. We are very sorry for all the damage we've caused and are going to join the famous Guild here so we can reform.
It would be very nice to see you again but as promised, we cannot. Nicola sa...
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Name: Katarine Shadowski
Magic: Dry Ice Magic
Bio: She is a little bit full of herself and can charge straight into battles if her emotions are not controlled fully. She always wanted to learn Ice make magic but found herself using a similar magic. Her twin brother is always getting in her way. She doesn't really want to talk about her past because of the pain it caused her family.
Guild: Fairy Tail
Name: Nicola Shadowski
Magic: Guardian Magic
Bio: Unlike his sister he is very shy and won't touch anything that has alcohol in it because he's afraid of exploding it (see wizard prank for more details). Every time someone asks him about his past he freezes up and will become paranoid. He is always trying to save his sister when she is about to pick a fight. He is pretty antisocial and won't smile under any circumstance. He only joined fairy tail and learned magic because he wanted to stay by the only retaliative he had left. Otherwise he would have been happier in his hometown.
Guild: Fairy Tail