Hey Girls and squirells! :D This is my main world were I shall postt my rambles.


My facebook

People I love on here:
Linku-kun - dylan (Love him like a brother)
Dorkasorous - Maritza (My online besty!)
Neko Moonshine (Another online besty
Shayde wolf (We used too talk ALLLL the time -NOM NOMM BABIES)
Kidork (Friendss)
Superstarpanou (LOVE HER WORK)
DemonsandAngels (RP buddy)
Alchemic Mushroom (MEGAAA LOVE HER WORK)
Starscream (Friend in chat)
Miracle star (My best friend greeter xD)
There are more..but is 1 in the morning sooooo....

My moms in jail!! :D

Im sooo HAPPY!!!

I know what your thinking...ur moms in jail and ur happy?! YES I AM!!

My mom is a lazy women who beats us on a daily basis....I never told anyone cuz well....she threatened me. It turns out that Punching ur kids in the face cuz they stepped on ur foot....IS ILLEGAL!!! Well yesterday morning she woke up in a bad mood and started accusing me of stealing her medication and selling it...I kinda flipped out on her cuz well I am a 15 year old girl who is NEVER allowed to leave the house...WHERE WOULD I TAKE IT?! So My older brother ( who i thought hated me) Jumps up and screams at her for accusing me....well she kinda jumped up and punched hawk....who did NOT take it well. She screamed yadda yadda and told him to get the F out of her house which he refused....So she called the cops and it BACKFIRED for her :D

The cops noticed i had a bruise on my cheek and they asked me about...I told them I tripped but them mom pressed charges on Hawk for 'stealing' her med so I told them EVERYTHING and they arrested her!! Im moving in with my dad so I am soooo happy! :D


Yah Well my life has been sucking ALLOT lately XP....

First I went back to my church on Saturday....It was fun but everyone kept looking at me like I was some foreign alien..xD I had left in the first place because the youth leader thought I was wacko and that I didn't help out enough....Saying I didn't come to church enough or I didn't help with church chores.....When in factual...I had been going to church every Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday..And Also he has NO right to tell me were my relationship with god is so I kinda listened to him and told him a few choice words that would get me struck by lightning....And when I volunteer to help in the nursery, kitchen, Sunday school classes, AND help type up the lessons for my teacher. I kinda was like WTF?! WHAT MORE CAN I DO?!

I kinda love my real pastor more each day cuz he stuck up for me. Cuz the Pastor is holding a big vacation for 15 kids who help out in our church and hes spending a thousand dollars on each kid. Wellll My Youth pastor told me flat out I wasn't going so I was all sad and stuff and the regular pastor was like whats wrong...I told him the whole story and he kinda kicked the youth pastors ass :D Soooooo I get to go :D



Day 2: Least favorite Song :P


Day 1!!! My favorite Song :D

Pink Who knew!! And the reason I became so obsessed with this song is because of Artgirrls Music video comic to it!! it was so sad and sweet I cried!!

30 day art challenge :D Ill try this to :D

Ill try it xD

Hopefully it comes out good :D