Vincent Valentine Love

My best friend is now in love with Vincent Valentine. I finally introduced her to the world of Final Fantasy today when I made her watch Advent Children with me. She loved it, and now desire to make Vincent Valentine her husband. I told she would love him, and she told me I was right. I love her.

I also had her watch a couple episodes of Black Cat with me. She loved that, too. Now we're going to have a Black Cat party so we can watch the whole thing. Ah, yes, the joys of a newly indoctrinated member to the anime community. :3

School starts for me in four days on Demyx Day! 9/9/09 only comes once. Ever. I'm glad it's the first day of school, so now I have at least one thing to be happy about.

I also got Pokemon Platinum, and in playing it, realized the one reason I hated pokemon--it takes so damn long to level up those stupid pokemon! Fighting battle after battle against wild pokemon gets tedious after a while, but it's worth it in the end.

And another sign that I know the school year is coming--I'm more in the mood to write than ever. Which is what I'm about to go do now, so toodles!

Happily yours,
K. Black
