Things are...even, I suppose. Great in some areas, heartbreaking in others. I've done a lot of growing up since that last post. I've learned to stop being a child and think like an adult. I've realized the world I live in, and what I'll have to do to survive in it. I understand the meaninglessness of it all, and I've accepted it. I know what I am, what I've become, what I've turned myself into, and what I've done to myself, through no one's fault but my own. I know what I deserve, what I'm worth, and what I have to do. At the very least, I will not be a complete failure.
That said, graduation is coming soon, in just a week. It saddens me, but not for reasons you might think. It shouldn't sadden me, actually, but we're still a little weak. We're working on it. Leaving will be good for me, the best thing that has happened in a while. They'll forget me soon enough, and I can focus on what I need to do.
I've learned a lot.