First Entry: The Day Before the Last Day of the Year

So it's 12/30! Wow. The end of the year snuck up on me fast. Time to start thinking about New Year's resolutions...

1. I resolve to stop playing video games so much.
2. I resolve to stop reading so much yaoi.
3. I resolve to quit being strange.

Yeah, right. I think my new New Year's resolution will be something a bit more realistic. Like, end world hunger, or cure cancer, or something.

So I started playing Infinite Undiscovery this morning, and I like it. Of course, I haven't even finished the tutorial thingy (I played for, like, half and hour, plus all those intro movies...damn you, Squeenix...), but I like the style. Especially how, even when you pause the game, the game still continues. Makes sense to me; you can't exactly "pause" real life. I can't wait to play it later today.

But for now, I'm supposed to be writing a term paper for history.

A.P. history.

A.P. U.S. history.

Which I hate. And only took because I had to. But at least I chose a cool topic for the report: U.S.-Japanese relations and how they contributed to the rise of Japan's commercial technological industries. I figure I like Japan, might as well write about it.

Well, I'm off!
