About Me...

My name is Kimberly, but most people call me Kimi or just Kim. I'm a writer, a musician, a gamer, and a scientist. If Barnes and Noble, Game Stop, a biological research lab, and a ramen shop all decided to collaborate on a single store, I would live there for the rest of my natural life and be in pure bliss. For now, I live in Jersey. My younger sister calls me a freak on a daily basis. Derive what you want from that, but I try not to let what people call me get to me. I'm sixteen and in eleventh grade. I've gone to Catholic school all my life, but as far as I know, fit none of the stereotypes. I have one best friend whom I've known since I was four years old. I love her to death. She is my reading and writing buddy, a hopeful author herself. I have one friend whom I met in high school. I also love her to death, as she is my wifey. She is my gaming, manga, and anime buddy, the one who started me on my manga trip. I have another friend who is an artist. She threw me onto deviantArt and made me confront my self-consciousness about people reading what I write. She is soft and pink and fluffy like a bunny. I love her to death as well, even if sometimes her girliness/huginess/general-closeness makes me want to shoot her in the face. She, along with a few other of my friends, have yet to figure out that I often experience drastic mood changes, and sometimes need to be left alone. When my parents divorced in the fifth grade, I internalized all of my emotions, and was really, really angry for a while. I honestly wanted to kill people some days, and had a hard time restraining from doing something physical. Instead, I created mental scenarios where I could do whatever I pleased, including mass murder. Sometimes I would write, and that would help me release some anger as well. Then I discovered the art of fanfictions and yaoi, and seriously, my moods improved drastically. I learned that life was meant to be enjoyed, and to laugh was to live well. Don't ask me how. I think it was because I read one that made me laugh so insanely much that I realized I wanted to feel like that all the time, and that I could if I let myself. I still have my moments where I absolutely need to be alone, or else I'll do something I regret, but for the most part, I try to keep an optimistic attitude.

I'm shy and don't like giving oral presentations, but I'm getting over it. I have a bit of a perfection complex, but I'm the biggest procrastinator in the universe. I can't stand people who don't have common sense. Even more than that, I can't stand people who act like they don't have common sense. I learn things quickly. I think that's one of my better traits. Getting straight A's in school doesn't make me a genius, as many people say to me. It just means I have a strong desire to learn. I have a tendency to hide my emotions. I don't like to talk about them, but they end up being expressed in whatever I'm writing at the moment. I used to write a lot of stuff about death and murder, but lately, it's been a ton of comedy. A sign of the times, I hope. I love biology. Best subject ever. Second is creative writing. I have a tendency to spend periods of time holding mental conversations with characters in my head. I don't know if that's healthy, but it hasn't hurt me so far. I lead an extremely rich fantasy life. My fantasy life is probably richer than Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey, and Bill Gates combined. It's what gets me by, though. I have a crippling fear of eternity. Once, I almost had a panic attack during a practice SAT because there was a whole section on black holes, and I started thinking about what happens after death. I love ramen. I love apple pie. I love monkeys. This is getting long. The End.
