Spicy Shrimp

I'm currently typing left-handedly while eating the remains of the spicy curry shrimp i made for New Year's Eve. My mouth is watering and the fingers on my right hand are covered in curry sauce (hence, the left-handed typing). Spicy curry shrip, esprcially the wy...hold on, the left hand thing ain't workin' so well...

Okay. Hands all clean! Now, as I was saying, spicy curry shrimp, especially the way I make it (because I can put as much pepper in it as I want! ;]), is one of my top ten favorite foods of all time. Pretty much anything spicy I'll eat. I love spicy. Mmmm.

Now I'm eating the coconut macaroons my bestest friend's mother made for us for New Year's Eve. Mmm. Cococnut-y. Chewy, but coconut-y.
