Day Two of the New Year

Day Two: It's getting colder...people are dying...I don't know how much longer the rest of us can last here. It's crazy. People are committing suicide left and right...the wild animals are claiming the rest. Me and a few others have found a hiding spot up in the trees...but I don't know how much longer we can hide... Wait...something--move! MOVE! SOMETHING'S COMING! We have to go! NO! NOOOO!!!! Come on, let's go! If we hurry this way we ca--

Sorry, little mind trip there. Just a joke.

I'm like, writing this term paper in shifts. I'm currently on a part about America and I am having so much trouble focusing. I really don't like American history. At all. But, what must be done, must be done.

I woke up at one o' clock today. I was having another one of those dreams where I have to save all of existence from imminent obliteration. Yeah. I have those with amazing frequency. It's probably not a healthy sign.

As a matter of fact, I shouldn't even be writing this here now. This here is just a distraction, an excuse to not be writing my report. So...I'm gonna go now. Sayonara!
