Sephirothization... my new favorite word. No, seriously. It's in the script for Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.

And before I get to me, I want to make a shout out to Waffuru and her world, Adventures of Action!Axel, a web comic about Action!Axel and his quest to find Action!Roxas. It's really great, a promising comic, and the first page is up, so GO READ IT! ...Please. ^_^

So, our mock trial competition is on Saturday. We can only pray that we do well. I think we will, but there's a good chance we won't We didn't really prepare as well as we have in past years, and our lawyer buddy didn't come to any of our practices. Then again, a big part of our trials is finesse and style, so it's really not that big of a deal.

Also, my new class has started: Social Justice. My bestest buddy John is in this class with me. I love his head. Not him, just his head. :p No, really, I love him. He's awesome. I'm also good friends with his sister, Annmarie, a.k.a. "Shawtay," who celebrates her 18th birthday today. They're both in band with me; he plays the trombone and she plays trumpet.

My other three classes are all A.P. (Biology, English, and U.S. History), so they haven't changed.

Um...I had something else important to say, but I can't remember it now. Oh well. New topic. I have this story I've been writing this story since seventh grade, it's over a hundred pages long in Microsoft Word, and I've only ever let one person read it in its entirety. I was thinking about posting it somewhere, either here or in my dA, but I'm not sure. I think I'll post an excerpt of it in here, and if anyone reads it, please comment and let me know if you think it's any good. ^_^ (Also, on that note, if anyone reads The Life and Crimes of Michiko Okada [from which the title of this world came], could you let me know what you think of it? I'm entering it in a local writing contest! ^_^)

I think that's about it for now. I'll be back later,
