So, Apparently... mother isn't as supportive of my writing as I thought. I love my mother, really. I think she's pretty cool and relaxed. She trusts me for the most part and isn't very strict at all. But lately, she's been...I don't know. Forcing certain things on me. Like, the other day, I told her that I didn't want to go to the Queen of Hearts Dance, and she told me I'm going, whether I want to or not, on the grounds that I need to socialize. I don't like going to my school dances. The last to times I went, I regretted it and wished I'd stayed home. I happen to not want to waste three hours of my Saturday night at a dance I know I'm not going to have fun at. And then yesterday, she said we need to discuss my schedule for senior year. I told her I'm definitely taking Creative Writing 2 (the whole reason for taking Creative Writing 1 :p), and she said no, on the grounds that it wouldn't look serious on my college applications.


I let it drop for the time being, and brought it up again today. I told her that I had told my counselor my plans, and he said it was great. But she still thinks that it's a frivolous class, and is upset that I didn't take a math this year. I told her I can't just load my schedule with "serious" classes like she wants me to; it's just not feasible, A, and B, I don't want to do that again. I did it sophomore year and nearly killed myself. Then she said I had a choice on taking honors and AP classes, so don't blame it on that.


So I just dropped it...again. And now I'm really, really upset. I don't think she understands exactly how crucial and important writing is to me, and she doesn't realize how upset I am. She's here playing video games with her ex-husband...and trying to read what I'm writing. :p I really just want to go to my room and cry, but I can't. And won't. Crying is stupid and doesn't solve anything. Instead, I need to figure out exactly how I'm getting Creative Writing 2 on my schedule. I'm going to have a nice happen chat with guidance on Monday.

But still...

On a happier note, we won at our mock trial competition today! We lost our first trial against Brick, won our second trial against Central. Everybody thought we should have won against Brick, even the Brick coach. This happened last year as well. So we were waiting to find out who was advancing, and found out we did! So we went to our last trial against M.A.T.E.S., and that one was pretty close. We weren't expecting to win AT ALL! When the lawyer announced that they had chosen for the defense, we were so HAPPY! They were really nice about losing, too. We all shook hands and congratulated each other. Unlike Brick, who, when they lost at finals last year, refused to even look us in the eye. But the funny thing is, they advanced to finals, too! So now it's like, Mon Don vs. Brick, Part Two. ^_^

Legit is NOT a word. Just saying.

Anyway, I have a lot of writing to do, so I'm going to go now.
