Bloody Snow

So guess who was the smart one who cut her hand on a broken cup doing dishes last night?

...Yeah, me. I was washing a cup, didn't realize the edge was broken, and sliced right into the palm side of my right thumb. It bled...a lot. But that's cool. I like the taste of my blood. :3 And it could be a lot worse. At least I cut it the day after the spaghetti dinner. That would have sucked if I cut it before.

Speaking of, the spaghetti dinner was fun. Lots of laughs, a little bit of drama, you know how we do in the music department.

And SNOW!! We had off Monday anyway because they needed our parking lot for this huge funeral, but now we have today (Tuesday) off as well! SNOW DAY!!!

I swear, Mon Don NEVER goes to school.

So now I'm off to try and do some schoolwork and probably play some video games. Because I have no life. Seriously.

Geez, I haven't posted any writing up here in a while. But that's because of this massive project I'm working on that I may or may not have mentioned. Trust me, once I finish and post it, you'll understand.

Happy Square Root Day! (3 x 3 = 9? Get it? 3 is the square root...never mind. It was on the news, so it's not just me...)

Checking out,
