

Yep, those numbers up there are the first...13 digits of the infamous pi! We celebrated in school yesterday, with a pie contest (what else?), and all of the math classes had parties. The entire 200 corridor was filled with pizza. But me, who opted NOT to take AP Calc this year, did not get to partake in any pizza-y fun. >_<

WARNING: Black Cat (the anime) SPOILERS AHEAD!

And...in other celebratory news...I finished watching Black Cat today! WOW! I am completely in love with that anime! Creed is, like, my new husband. (I always find myself loving the 'villain.' Should I be worried? ^_~) He was AMAZING! I was so mad when he was defeated, but then he came back, and it was all good. Is it just me, or did every other thing that came out of Creed's mouth about Train sound like it had a double meaning? "Me and Train...we were real partners..." "Train is the only one for me!" "When Train and I finally join together..." "Don't go near him! He's mine!" (...Okay, I made up that last one, but he would have said it, just a matter of time. ^_~)

...<_<...>_>...I'm keeping my yaoi-obsessed mouth shut.

Thie fight scenes were awesome, the soundtrack was slammin', and the comedy was just hilarious! It's a good thing I was watching it by myself, otherwise, my family would have started looking at me weird.

And JENOS! AH! I LOVE JENOS! He is just too super awesome! (I sound like a fangirl, don't I. ^_^') I love his weapons to pieces! Him and Rinslet are so perfect together.

I kinda wanted to see what would have happened if Eden took over the world...

That song that Saya sings is really pretty, too. And River! River was so cute! "Okay, I'm afraid of the dark!" His hair is very badass. Only Axel, Cloud, and Zack have have the ability to achieve that kind of gravity defiance. =]

The minute they showed Creed playing the piano, I died for him. I LOVE bad guys that play instruments. It may just be the musician in me, but I melt for bad guys who play music. There's just something really badass about having such discipline and grace to play an instrument, while heartlessly slaying and murdering people in the next instant. Makes my heart race. I'm a real romantic, can't you tell?

I think I'm done ranting for now. Camelot is in, like, two weeks. Expect me to disappear off the face of the Earth for that amount of time. Between track (after school everyday until 5) and band practices (Mondays and Wednesdays from 5-9 and 6-9, and then the extra Camelot practices), MY LIFE WILL BE EATEN. And yet, I continue to do this year after year. And they say band isn't a sport...we've got more dedication than those damn football players any day. And they suck! They almost never win games. People come to the games to hear us play. :p

So, I'm gonna go now. Maybe I'll try to finish my homework, or put the copy of Camelot music I (finally!) received into sheet protectors. Most likely, I'll eat another peach and read some fanfics. Later.

Cattily yours,
